Welcome to The Document Foundation Planet

This is a feed aggregator that collects what LibreOffice and Document Foundation contributors are writing in their respective blogs.

To have your blog added to this aggregator, please mail the website@global.libreoffice.org mailinglist or file a ticket in Redmine.

22 April, 2024


Kira Tubo

Tell us a bit about yourself!

I live in San Jose, California, USA. I’ve lived around the Bay Area my whole life, after my parents moved away from the Philippines when I was about a year old.

I have had experience as a CRM (customer relations management) administrator, which partially functioned sort of like an internal tech support position, and I’ve also done crowdsourced testing and a11y (accessibility) testing as a side hustle. So I’ve had a lot of experience with troubleshooting and manually testing software.

My hobbies/interests are: reading, walking, video games/board games, and my dog.

What are you working on in the LibreOffice project right now?

Right now, I am attempting to write C++ unit tests in LibreOffice. As someone with rudimentary coding skills, it is quite challenging but interesting to learn.

Why did you choose to join the project, and how was the experience?

For the longest time, I’ve been wanting to contribute my technical skills to an open source project and learn about test automation. I saw some forums that suggested LibreOffice, and I thought it may be a good fit because I have also used the product (albeit lightly) in the past. What I like about the LibreOffice project is that there is a dedicated wiki for those interested in QA (not just development). Because of this, it is fairly easy to get started with contributing.

Since I’ve joined the project, I’ve helped the QA team with bug triaging, regression testing, bibisecting, etc. I’ve also submitted patches to Gerrit for some easy code fixes and updated the LibreOffice help documentation. I’ve learned so much and picked up a lot of new skills along the way. But there is definitely a lot more to learn, which is exciting!

I’d also like to say that the people working on the LibreOffice project are fantastic. They acknowledge the work that you do and are more than happy to help you when needed (shoutout to Ilmari Lauhakangas for taking the time to explain how things work to me). So for anyone feeling overwhelmed or hesitant about joining, don’t be! We are all friendly here 🙂

Anything else you plan to do in the future? What does LibreOffice really need?

One of these days, I’d like to look into writing UI unit tests with Python, and maybe also unit tests for a11y (accessibility). As for improvements, I think perhaps it would be great if the wiki would be a little more beginner-friendly for those who want to get into writing unit tests, especially if they don’t have much development experience yet.

Many thanks to Kira for all her contributions! Every LibreOffice user is welcome to get involved, find out what they can do in our community, and learn new skills along the way 👍

20 April, 2024

[en] Michael Meeks: 2024-04-20 Saturday

10:03 UTC

  • Wedding Anniversary; 22 years of happiness.
  • Off to see R&A's new daughter; exciting. Caught up with blog in the car, up-loaded some slides on background save from COOL days.

19 April, 2024

[en] Michael Meeks: 2024-04-19 Friday

21:00 UTC

  • Encouraging design call; lunch, all afternoon workshop. Fixed a couple of bugs, slugged in the evening.
  • Steeled myself to re-subscribe to the Economist - very disappointed by the rules on the Digital subscription making it un-share-able; who would spend that much per person in their household, to replace a paper copy that can be shared ?

18 April, 2024

[en] Michael Meeks: 2024-04-18 Thursday

21:00 UTC

  • Tech planning call, COOL community call. Background save, lunch, marketing call, sync. with Eloy on sales. Raced background save deadline fixing more things. Home-group on 1 Thessalonians.


I have previously discussed fixing crashes in 2 parts (segfaults, aborts). Here I discuss testing crashes to avoid creating re-creating regressions.

Why testing crashes?

When you fix a crash, you have to make sure that it does not happen again in the future. The key to achieve such a goal is to write a suitable test. The test should do the exact steps to reproduce the problem on the program in order to detect the known crash before the new code is merged.

This can be done using either UITests, or CppUnitTests. UITests are written in Python. They are easier to write, but they do not run on each and every platform, and they are usually slower. CppUnitTests, on the other hand, are written in C++. They are much faster, and they run on every platform that CI runs to make sure that everything is built and can be run correctly.

An Example Crash Testing

Consider the below issue around footnotes:

This problem was happening when someone created a footnote, deleted the reference, and then hovered the mouse on the removed footnote reference. To reproduce that, one could use keyboard to generate a key sequence that repeats the required steps:

Write something, add footnote, select all the footnotes and remove them, then go back to the text, and hover the footnote reference.

Using keyboard-only is not always enough, but here it was possible. To implement the UITest, you should first find the appropriate place to put the test file, and then write a Python script for that. Here, the test was written in sw/qa/uitest/writer_tests2/deleteFootnotes.py. The UITest test can be found alongside the bug fix, in the class class tdf150457(UITestCase):

If you look into the code, the test_delete_footnotes() function consists of many invocations of postKeyEvent calls, that emulate key input events:

pTextDoc->postKeyEvent(LOK_KEYEVENT_KEYINPUT, 'a', 0);

To insert footnotes, UNO commands are used.

dispatchCommand(mxComponent, ".uno:InsertFootnote", {});

Just doing the same steps would be enough, as if the crash happens with the fix in place, or in a bad commit in the future, the test would fail. This test failure will prevent the same problem in the future.

The nice thing is that it turned out the same test could have been written using C++ and CppUnitTest, which is considered superior.

The new CppUnitTest can be found in the below change:

The new test resides in sw/qa/extras/uiwriter/uiwriter3.cxx, and essentially uses postKeyEvent and dispatchCommand as similar functions.

If you look at the current version of the test, you can see that it was simplified in later commits, but the idea is the same: “repeat the same steps that lead to crash in the code”.

Final Words

It is expected that every bug fix is accompanied with a test, to avoid seeing the same problem in the future

17 April, 2024

[en] Michael Meeks: 2024-04-17 Wednesday

21:00 UTC

  • COOL days retrospective, planning for next year. More background save work, weekly sales call.
  • Partner call. LibreOffice Advisory Board call, Dinner, All Saints band practice.

16 April, 2024

[en] Michael Meeks: 2024-04-16 Tuesday

21:00 UTC

  • Planning call, sync. with Richard on slides for Nextcloud Enterprise day, more background save work.


Screenshot of PDF export dialog

Here’s a LibreOffice feature you may not know about: when exporting a PDF, the “Hybrid PDF” option embeds the original file. Then anyone with a PDF reader can view the file – and LibreOffice users can edit it too.

Learn more about this feature here

15 April, 2024

[en] Michael Meeks: 2024-04-15 Monday

21:00 UTC

  • Up early, dropped E. to school; few 1:1's, out for a run with J.
  • Plugged away at background saving; a remarkable number of interesting problems to fix.

14 April, 2024

[en] Michael Meeks: 2024-04-14 Sunday

21:00 UTC

  • All Saints, band in the morning with Cedric; Rick spoke. Mary Rogers returned from Australia over for a nice Pizza lunch, worked on talk. Evening service - Simon Gale kindly played, spoke, home - exhausted.

13 April, 2024

[en] Michael Meeks: 2024-04-13 Saturday

21:00 UTC

  • Bit of hacking on background save for the looming COOL 24.04 deadline. Lunch.
  • Helped J. get some wire for rose training on the garden fence; more work on talk for tomorrow on Mark 1:29-39.
  • Spent much of the afternoon helping E. improve at python for her looming GCSE in Computer Science; fun.

12 April, 2024

[en] Michael Meeks: 2024-04-12 Friday

21:00 UTC

  • Attempt to catch up with E-mail; and get background save into a better state - some good progress. Poked at a talk for Sunday evening in the evening; bed.

11 April, 2024

[en] Michael Meeks: 2024-04-11 Thursday

21:00 UTC

  • Breakfast, bid 'bye to various friends & partners. In-person all-hands meeting for much of the morning with the Collabora team - should have done more hands-on / un-conference / brain-storming: will do next time.
  • Relaxed & chatted, took people to the station, spent more time with others waiting; home in the late afternoon exhausted.
  • Late partner meeting, slept exhaustedly.


General Activities

  1. LibreOffice 7.6.6 and LibreOffice 24.2.2 were released on March 28
  2. Olivier Hallot (TDF) renamed Fontwork to Text along Path in the UI while updating Help, added Help content for ExportAsFixedFormat VBA method and new Calc functions FILTER, SORT and SORTBY and did several cleanups and fixes in Help
  3. Rafael Lima made several improvements to Calc’s Solver dialog, improved the visual consistency of the Tabbed UI and added a warning about the need to reload file after changing macro security level
  4. Stéphane Guillou (TDF) updated Help content after UI changes and improved the Help page for macro security
  5. Alain Romedenne made many improvements to the officehelper Python script for connecting to LibreOffice processes
  6. Dione Maddern rewrote the Help page for Calc’s SUMIF function, updated Help for Writer’s View options and did cleanups in Help
  7. Gábor Kelemen (allotropia) did many cleanups in the area of includes while improving the script for finding unneeded includes. He also made some Help fixes
  8. Pierre F. made many improvements and fixes to Help pages, for example in the areas of regular expressions and Basic
  9. Andras Timar (Collabora) made Help build more robust on Windows and made some cleanups in Help regarding translatable strings
  10. Laurent Balland updated Grey Elegant Impress template
  11. Miklós Vajna (Collabora) improved copying and pasting between Google Sheets and Calc and did many code cleanups and improvements to automated tests
  12. Áron Budea, Marco Cecchetti, Gökay Şatır, Pranam Lashkari, Jaume Pujantell and Michael Meeks (Collabora) worked on LOKit used by Collabora Online
  13. Gülşah Köse (Collabora) made it so pressing Enter in an empty list item ends the list in Impress
  14. Attila Szűcs (Collabora) improved the performance of handling transparent animated GIFs and made it so image placeholders imported from PPTX files do not display text
  15. Tomaž Vajngerl (Collabora) did many code cleanups in graphics code
  16. Julien Nabet fixed incorrect display of custom page numbers in Sidebar, fixed an issue with duplicating a sheet in Calc causing unwanted axis label to appear in charts and fixed some crashes
  17. Andreas Heinisch fixed an issue with saving print ranges to XLS files
  18. Xisco Faulí (TDF) made a dozen additions and changes to automated tests and added a script to replace missing fonts in test documents. He also improved SVG support by implementing overflow:visible, switch element and the filters feMerge, feMergeNode, feBlend and feComposite.
  19. Michael Stahl (allotropia) made the Curl-based WebDAV content provider more robust
  20. Mike Kaganski (Collabora) fixed issues with copying and pasting charts in Calc, fixed an issue causing incorrect closing tags in Writer HTML export, fixed an issue affecting conditional formatting in overlapping cell ranges, made canceling out of Insert Chart dialog more robust in case of multiple views, fixed an issue with picking a connection type in Database Wizard, fixed an issue in the UNO API implementation for text ranges, harmonised the rounding in Calc’s number formatter and ROUND function and made it so index

10 April, 2024

[en] Michael Meeks: 2024-04-10 Wednesday

21:00 UTC

  • Breakfast, a morning of talks. Gave a brief wrap-up; lunch.
  • Partner & customer roadmap workshop in the afternoon - lots of good ideas & useful feedback and priority rankings.
  • Caught the end of the hack-fest, drinks & had a chance to thank various people including Kendy for their hard work and contribution. Dinner in the evening with J. Up extremely late with a number of the team.


InstallFest 2024

Our Czech community reports back from a recent event…

For the third time, the LibreOffice project had its own booth at InstallFest 2024, and here we present our experiences from the event.

On the weekend of 16th and 17th March 2024, the InstallFest 2024 conference took place at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague. The conference was held after a two‑year break and under the direction of a new team led by Jan Langmaier. This year, according to the organisers’ estimates, about 300 visitors attended, making InstallFest a successful follow‑up to previous editions. Unfortunately, higher participation is limited by the space capacity of the chosen venue.

The lack of space also affected the LibreOffice booth, which had to be a bit aside from the main event. On the other hand, anyone heading to one of the main lecture halls could not miss us – our exclusive position made us unmissable. Even so, there were far fewer visitors at our booth than in previous years.

Feedback gained at InstallFest

Conferences of this type appeal mainly to the younger generation, who must not be absent. It is therefore not surprising that young people from primary or secondary school are well represented among the visitors at the LibreOffice stand. This year, however, this was significantly more disproportionate than at other times – it can even be said that young people dominated. We always interviewed them, asking what they use LibreOffice for, how long they have been using it, whether it is used at school, where they go, and whether their classmates know about the suite.

The answers were generally similar. LibreOffice tends to be used by young people for basic tasks such as writing texts, creating presentations for school and so on. Those who create presentations in Impress for school assignments have to convert their presentations to PPTX format. Surprisingly, we’ve had good feedback on compatibility with this format, although it is of course problematic.

InstallFest 2024

Very few visitors know about the cloud or mobile versions of LibreOffice, but there are some. We were surprised that one high school student reported using the cloud‑based, non‑paid version of OnlyOffice; after learning about the circumstances (ie that this software is in Russian hands and thus subject to EU sanctions), he understood why the institute he was working with (apparently a non‑profit of some sort) did not want to purchase the paid version of OnlyOffice. It simply cannot.

Many visitors would welcome some changes in LibreOffice’s user interface. While some prefer the traditional toolbar layout, others prefer a Microsoft Office‑like look and feel – either for personal taste or for ease of transition from Microsoft Office. LibreOffice allows you to use different interfaces, but this option is hidden in the menus. Visitors would appreciate if, when LibreOffice is first launched, a wizard were displayed to guide the newcomer through the various setup and customisation options, including user interface selection.

We received a request from one tutor

09 April, 2024

[en] Michael Meeks: 2024-04-09 Tuesday

21:00 UTC

  • Fine breakfast, started on the ~100 five minute lightning talks we have this year - unclear if it is the best format; will we have to split into a business and technical track at some stage - probably; until then it's nice to have everyone together.
  • One novel-ish talk on improving interactivity:
    COOL Background Saving (Hybrid PDF)
  • Nice lunch, many more talks, interesting talk at the Astronomy department in the evening with some great animations and diagrams, back for some drinks, up late.

08 April, 2024

[en] Michael Meeks: 2024-04-08 Monday

21:00 UTC

  • Mail chew, patch pushing, packed, and off into Cambridge to the office pack the car with boxes of good things to give away at COOL days.
  • Got bits to the Moller institute, unpacked things variously, met up with people left & right, checked in - nice room; shepherded people to the team building, collected & drove stragglers.
  • Assembled pedal cars together in teams and raced them; managed to land in the middle: its all about belt tension it seems.
  • Back for drinks & dinner, got to meet lots of partners for the first time in person.


Adam Seskunas

Tell us a bit about yourself!

My name is Adam Seskunas and I currently live in San Diego, California. In my free time I enjoy outdoor activities, hiking, backpacking in the Sierra, rock climbing and surfing with my daughter Sofia. I have a degree in Computer Science from the University of Maryland Global Campus, and I’m an open source software enthusiast.

What are you working on in the LibreOffice project right now?

Currently I’m working on my first “Difficulty Interesting” Easy Hack, a nice description of which can be found on this page.

The Easy Hack involves the ASCII filter for LibreOffice Writer and the way it handles the output of tables. True to its name, the Easy Hack has been interesting! It’s been challenging and rewarding at the same time. I’d like to thank Hossein Nourikhah for providing the code pointers and background information, and Michael Weghorn for help in code review.

Why did you choose to join the project, and how was the experience?

I’ve been using LibreOffice ever since I became interested in using Linux, when I was studying for my Computer Science degree, but I never had considered contributing. It’s such a large project, and I had no experience with C++. I just happened to see an advert on VolunteerMatch for bug testing, and answering the ad got me in contact with Ilmari Lauhakangas.

Ilmari would meet with me bi-weekly and he taught me how to verify bugs in Bugzilla and eventually got me into developing. Overall, joining the project been a fantastic experience, from Ilmari’s mentorship to all the people involved – everyone’s been great. I’d highly recommend it to anyone.

Anything else you plan to do in the future?

My plan is to apply and hopefully get accepted to do Google Summer of Code for LibreOffice. I’ve been talking to Hossein about ideas and I’m excited to get my application written and submitted.

What does LibreOffice really need now?

I’d say more contributors. There’s a robust community of contributors, but any project could use more. It’s a great way to meet people and gain some experience. I’d encourage anyone reading this and thinking about contributing to check out the wiki. There’s great information there and you can help in many different ways, not just development.

Many thanks to Adam for all his contributions! Every LibreOffice user is welcome to get involved and find out what they can do in our community 👍

07 April, 2024

[en] Michael Meeks: 2024-04-07 Sunday

21:00 UTC

  • All Saints, children's service, played with H.
  • Roast Pork lunch, played games with the family & watched movies.

06 April, 2024

[en] Michael Meeks: 2024-04-06 Saturday

21:00 UTC

  • Mail chew, abandoned problematic named-pipe approach for randomness, it involves sucking randomness into the ether - in a O_NONBLOCK socket buffer to no purpose; annoyingly.
  • Instead worked on a new & simpler plan to inherit a file-descriptor to /dev/urandom and a magic symbol that dup's and hands out a descriptor to that left & right; much cleaner & simpler.
  • Eventually got that working; out to see Dune (part 2) at the brand-new, un-findable on the internet, and so somewhat under-attended, but very fine Newmarket Cinema. Interesting movie.

05 April, 2024

[en] Michael Meeks: 2024-04-05 Friday

21:00 UTC

  • Back to my nemesis - named pipes; while it is possibly to have multiple readers - who get random bits of the random numbers to the pipe (perhaps a feature) unfortunately extremely inelegant for these reasons:
    • Opening O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK gives an inexplicable ENXIO error, odd
    • Seems you need a pointless O_NONBLOCK reader opening the pipe before you can open O_NONBLOCK to write and poll on it - so wasting a file descriptor.
    • Trying to close that after the open just gives endless EPIPE - so just leak it.
    • Unfortunately now we have to read a lot of random numbers to fill the O_NONBLOCK pipe buffer which is probably not good for anyone; hmm.
  • Switched to using getentropy() and/or getrandom() system-call backed random data reading instead of devices. Spent quite a long time digging through lots of disappointingly duplicated NSS code to get it happy. Eventually got there, hopefully no more users getting bitten by mounting nodev, removing CAP_MKNOD from our permission set.
  • N. cooked a fine dinner; slugged with the babes doing misc. petting until late.

04 April, 2024


German state moving 30,000 PCs to LibreOffice

Following a successful pilot project, the northern German federal state of Schleswig-Holstein has decided to move from Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office to Linux and LibreOffice (and other free and open source software) on the 30,000 PCs used in the local government. As reported on the homepage of the Minister-President:

Independent, sustainable, secure: Schleswig-Holstein will be a digital pioneer region and the first German state to introduce a digitally sovereign IT workplace in its state administration. With a cabinet decision to introduce the open-source software LibreOffice as the standard office solution across the board, the government has given the go-ahead for the first step towards complete digital sovereignty in the state, with further steps to follow.

The term digital sovereignty is very important here. If a public administration uses proprietary, closed software that can’t be studied or modified, it is very difficult to know what happens to users’ data:

We have no influence on the operating processes of such [proprietary] solutions and the handling of data, including a possible outflow of data to third countries. As a state, we have a great responsibility towards our citizens and companies to ensure that their data is kept safe with us and we must ensure that we are always in control of the IT solutions we use and that we can act independently as a state.

This follows on from the finding by the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) that the European Commission’s use of Microsoft 365 breaches data protection law.

In addition, there is this question: Why should local governments use taxpayers’ money to buy proprietary, closed software from a single vendor? With LibreOffice and free software, administrations have much more choice where to get the software and support, and can fund local developers to make improvements. In addition, local governments can maintain full control of the software, study its source code, make changes they require and deploy it entirely on their own infrastructure. Learn more about “Public Money, Public Code”.

So we welcome the decision in Schleswig-Holstein to move its IT administration to free and open source software, for all the benefits it brings, both for the local government and the almost three million citizens of the state.

Full statement from the State Chancellery here (in German)


Calc now supports much better copy&paste when you transfer data between Google Sheets and Calc.

This work is primarily for Collabora Online, but the feature is fully available in desktop Calc as well.


First, Collabora Online was using the deprecated document.execCommand() API to paste text, which is problematic, as the "paste" button on the toolbar can't behave the same way as pressing Ctrl-V on the keyboard.

Second, it turns out Google Sheets came up with some additional HTML attributes to represent spreadsheet data in HTML in a much better way, and Calc HTML import/export had no support for this, while this is all fixable.

Results so far

In short, Collabora Online now uses the Clipboard API to read from the system clipboard -- this has to be supported by the integration, and Calc's HTML filter now support the subset of the Google Sheets markup I figured out so far. This subset is also documented.

Note that the default behavior is that the new Clipboard API is available in Chrome/Safari, but not in Firefox.

For the longer version, here are some screenshots:

We used to show a popup when you clicked on the paste button on the notebookbar

The new paste code in action, handling an image

Import from Google Sheets to Calc: text is auto-converted to a number, bad

Import from Google Sheets to Calc: text is no longer auto-converted to a number, good

HTML import into an active cell edit, only RTF was working there previously

Paste from Google Sheets to Calc: text is no longer auto-converted to a number, good

Paste from Google Sheets to Calc: booleans are now also preserved

Paste from Google Sheets to Calc: number formats are now also preserved

Paste from Google Sheets to Calc: formulas are now also preserved

Paste from Google Sheets to Calc: also handling a single cell

Copy from Calc to Google Sheets: text is now handled, no longer auto-converted to a number

Copy from Calc to Google Sheets: booleans are now handled

Cross-origin iframes also block clipboard access, now fixed

Copy from Calc to Google Sheets: number formats are now also preserved

Copy from Calc to Google Sheets: formulas are now also preserved

Copy from COOL Writer to a text editor: much better result, new one on the right hand side

How is this implemented?

If you would like to know a bit more about how this works, continue reading... :-)

As usual, the high-level problem was addressed by a series of small changes:

02 April, 2024


Este formato resulta ideal para su lectura en dispositivos móviles ya que se adapta al tamaño de la pantalla. No tienes excusa, puedes leer las guías en cualquier sitio 😃, basta con que visites https://books.libreoffice.org/es/index.html

Una ventaja adicional que ofrece …


Nepali LibreOffice community meeting

Here’s our summary of updates, events and activities in the LibreOffice project in the last four weeks – click the links to learn more…

TDF Board of Directors, 2024 - 2026

LibreOffice community at FOSDEM 2024

LibreOffice 24.2 cake

LibreOffice 24.2 Writer and Calc Guides

  • Also in docs news: in the middle of the month, we talked to Dione Maddern about her experiences joining the LibreOffice project. Thanks to Dione for all her contributions!

Dione Maddern

Czech LibreOffice Writer Guide 24.2

  • Later in the month, we celebrated Document Freedom Day, which raises awareness of how open standards and open document formats provide us with the freedom to read and write as we wish.

Document Freedom Day banner

  • March saw two updates to LibreOffice: 24.2.2 and 7.6.6. All users of these branches are recommended to get the latest versions.

LibreOffice donate banner


Keep in touch – follow us on Mastodon, X (formerly Twitter), Bluesky, Reddit and Facebook. Like what we do? Support our community with a donation – or join our community and help to make LibreOffice even better!

29 March, 2024


The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) has found that the European Commission (Commission) has breached several provisions of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725, the EU data protection law for EU institutions (EUIs), in its use of Microsoft 365, including those relating to the transfer of personal data outside the EU and the European Economic Area (EEA). The EDPS is imposing corrective measures on the Commission.

In particular, the Commission has failed to provide adequate safeguards to ensure that personal data transferred outside the EU/EEA are afforded the same level of protection as that guaranteed within the EU/EEA.
Furthermore, in its contract with Microsoft, the Commission did not sufficiently specify the types of personal data to be collected and for what explicit and specified purposes when using Microsoft 365. The Commission’s breaches as data controller also relate to data processing, including the transfer of personal data, carried out on its behalf.

The EDPS has therefore decided to order the Commission to suspend, with effect from 9 December 2024, all data flows resulting from the use of Microsoft 365 to Microsoft, its subsidiaries and sub-processors located in countries outside the EU/EEA that are not covered by an adequacy decision.

In effect, the EDPS has confirmed what we have been arguing for years, namely that the only individual productivity solutions that also guarantee data protection and support the concept of Europe’s digital sovereignty – technological independence from the commercial decisions of high-tech companies, especially from the US – are FOSS solutions such as LibreOffice combined with a standard, open and independent data format such as the Open Document Format.

The EDPS, though, has also decided to order the Commission to bring the processing operations resulting from its use of Microsoft 365 into compliance with the EU Regulation 2018/1725. The Commission has until 9 December 2024 to demonstrate compliance with both orders.

The EDPS considers that the corrective measures it imposes (described in the document annex [1]) are appropriate, necessary and proportionate in light of the seriousness and duration of the infringements found.
Many of the infringements found concern all processing operations carried out by the Commission, or on its behalf, when using Microsoft 365, and impact many individuals.

Unfortunately, all the remedies identified by the EDPS relate to Microsoft 365, and therefore do not address the root of the problem by suggesting the use of FOSS solutions such as LibreOffice and the only truly standard, open and independent document format, the Open Document Format.

It is highly likely that Microsoft’s solution will be the usual ‘sticking plaster’ that hides the problem without addressing it, and that the lobbyists – who I am sure are already at work – will make it look appropriate in the eyes of politicians.

And if we continue to protest, knowing that we will not be heard because we do not have the same firepower as the lobbyists of the big US hi-tech companies who are present in Brussels with hundreds of professionals, we will always hear



LibreOffice’s localisation community translates the software’s user interface, along with its documentation and websites.

Julia Spitters, Heiko Tietze and Sophie Gautier ran a survey among members of the localisation teams to learn what tools are used, how they engage in workflows, and what future developments they might expect.


The survey had a total of 29 participants and 18 complete entries of quantitative data. When asked to rate their experience on a scale from (1) Beginner to (5) Expert, most of our participants had intermediate to advanced translation experience (M = 3.75, Min = 1.00, Max = 5.00), and worked on an average of 5.56 localisation projects besides LibreOffice (SD = 7.31, Min = 0, Max = 30). Our results may capture more experienced members of the localisation community who are working on quite a few projects at once, so we want to thank everyone for their work!


We were particularly interested in what tools participants use besides Weblate, which is likely the most common translation tool used among LibreOffice translators. We allowed participants to rate their satisfaction with additional tools they use on a scale from (1) Very Dissatisfied to (5) Very Satisfied, and rate the importance of potential changes. Participants who did not leave any response were excluded.

LibreOffice localisation survey results - tools used

Among the different Localization tools available, most participants felt neutral towards the most commonly used tools, which include POEditor, TextEditor, Transifex, Crowdin, and OmegaT. However, the few participants who use OmegaT seemed to be relatively satisfied with the tool.

Q: Do you download strings and translate locally?

When asked if they download strings and translate locally, most participants reported that they either partially did so, or not at all.

Q: Do you want to receive notifications on updates related to translation tasks?

LibreOffice localisation survey results - notifications

The majority of participants were interested in receiving notifications for translation task updates.

Q: How satisfied are you with the translation memory?

When asked about their satisfaction with translation memory from (1) Very Dissatisfied to (5) Very Satisfied, there were very mixed reviews, which did not allow us to capture where the majority opinion lies.

Q: If Weblate were able to auto-accept string matches, how important would this function be for you?

When asked to rate the importance of auto-accepting string matches on a scale from (1) Not at all important to (5) Extremely important, 10 out of 16 total participants rated this as at least (3) Moderately important. This might suggest that this could be a useful feature to add, but our qualitative responses will also show some potential issues that might arise if it is enabled for all translators.

Is the dashboard too complex?

LibreOffice localisation survey results - dashboard complexity

Although most participants who responded did not seem to have a problem with the Weblate dashboard, more than half of our responses were empty, making it difficult for us to understand the team’s opinion.

Q: What parts of the dashboard contribute to your satisfaction or dissatisfaction?

The few participants who assessed their satisfaction with the dashboard in the open-ended

28 March, 2024


Berlín, 28 de marzo de 2024 – Hoy The Document Foundation publica LibreOffice 24.2.2 Community [1] y LibreOffice 7.6.6 Community [2], ambas versiones menores que corrigen errores y regresiones para mejorar la calidad y la interoperabilidad para la productividad individual.…


Berlin, 28 March 2024 – Today the Document Foundation releases LibreOffice 24.2.2 Community [1] and LibreOffice 7.6.6 Community [2], both minor releases that fix bugs and regressions to improve quality and interoperability for individual productivity.

Both versions are immediately available from https://www.libreoffice.org/download. All LibreOffice users are encouraged to update their current version as soon as possible to take advantage of improvements. Minimum requirements for proprietary operating systems are Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 and Apple MacOS 10.15.

For enterprise-class deployments, TDF strongly recommends the LibreOffice Enterprise family of applications from ecosystem partners – for desktop, mobile and cloud – with a wide range of dedicated value-added features and other benefits such as SLAs: https://www.libreoffice.org/download/libreoffice-in-business/.

The Document Foundation does not provide technical support to users, although it is available from volunteers on user mailing lists and the Ask LibreOffice website: https://ask.libreoffice.org.

LibreOffice users, free software advocates and community members can support the Document Foundation by making a donation at https://www.libreoffice.org/donate.

[1] Change logs for LibreOffice 24.2.2 Community: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/24.2.2/RC1 (release candidate 1) and https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/24.2.2/RC2 (release candidate 2).

[2] Change logs for LibreOffice 7.6.6 Community: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.6.6/RC1 (release candidate 1) and https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.6.6/RC2 (release candidate 2).

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