(Translated from the Spanish original.)
Juan C. Sanz writes:
The Firebird database is distinguished by its unique features within the LibreOffice Base compatible database ecosystem. Why do I consider Firebird to be special? Because it is the only database engine that supports all possible forms of connection in Base and also allows the creation of both embedded, external and server databases directly from LibreOffice, without having to use specific tools.
LibreOffice offers the following Firebird connection options:
- Embedded database
- Standalone database file (no server required)
- Database server via internal driver
Additionally, like other database servers, it is possible to establish a connection via JDBC or ODBC connectors. These connectors are available free of charge and as open source software on the official Firebird website.
Advantages of multiple connection options. Firebird offers several ways of connection that represent important advantages:
- Embedded database: The embedded or internal database consists of a *.odb file containing all the database facilities (table view, query designer, forms, reports, macros) together with the data.
This option is especially easy and accessible for users with little database experience. Simply enable the experimental features of LibreOffice to start using it. It is ideal for learning basic database concepts and the Base tool.
- External database file: For advanced users looking to work more rigorously, it is recommended to migrate from embedded databases to external files. This type of connection does not require additional installations; a new file can be created using the Connect to an existing database option, rather than the Create a new database option (the nomenclature can be confusing). This connection method offers greater security by storing the data in a separate FDB file from the Base ODB file. In addition, modifications are saved instantly, which reduces the risk of data loss in the event of computer crashes or failures. In the long term, external Firebird files can be connected to servers without modification, as long as the versions are compatible. Transformation between different versions of the FDB file can be done easily and smoothly.
- Firebird database server: In this case, we will have a Base file with the functionalities of forms, query designer, reports and macros and the data will be hosted in a Firebird database server. The server is a software that does not have to be installed in a special computer, it could even be installed in the same computer that we use to connect to it. This type of connection provides specific advantages:
- Allows simultaneous access by multiple users
- Facilitates permissions management and data access control
- Provides greater speed in the delivery of information
The connection to the server via the internal driver provides a fast and easy way to configure connection. In any case, ODBC and JDBC connections also work without problems, although, as they require an intermediate connector, they are usually slower.
For all these reasons, I consider that Base and Firebird are an ideal combination.